Why Film?
Why I Love Shooting On Film!
There are four primary reasons why I choose to photograph with film.
#1 My Background + Roots
In 1996 I started shooting with film. The first camera that was given to me was an old 35mm Pentax ME. I learned and practiced shooting on film for years. Unfortunately, I could no longer upkeep a darkroom while I was going to college because of the cost demands so I gave in and started shooting digital.
While I was going to school I wanted to be a photo journalist until I was hired at a photo studio in August of 2009 located in the East Bay Area. I gained a lot of experience shooting portraits and weddings. When I walked away from the studios I worked with, I had a desire to go back to my roots and start from scratch - WITH FILM.
While shooting film, you can't preview the images on spot so you need to know what the hell your doing. I love this challenge because it keeps me connected and engaged with my instrument and my clients. I love the art of photography and the art of love. To fuse the two together makes a perfect combination.
My finest years were in high school where I spent the majority of my time in the darkroom. I love the step by step process of film and I highly respect those who shoot with it. It's very special.
Photo by Coco Tran
Film is downright beautiful. The tonal ranges, the gorgeous depth of field, the sharp quality, and that BOKEH. Digital can not reproduce the stunning bokeh that my Contax provides.
Photo by Race Jones
Fine Art Meets Modern
My favorite photographers are those who break the mold and take photos to fill a creative void. I respect a photographer who does not compromise their style for the sake of what is both popular and accepted....This is the difference between art and business. I have a lot of respect for those who succeed in both!
This is my new journey. I did not pick up a camera yesterday, but I strive to learn as if I did. I am inspired by both film photography and digital photography. They both have a place. I stand for film over digital, community over competition and quality over quantity.
- Jess